Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Symmetry is the line which divides a shape or an object into equal parts. First we saw a video explaining what symmetry is. Then using the IWB we investigated the lines of symmetry of some shapes. We  played a game where half of the word was covered and the children had to guess which word it was. And then finally it was time for some on-line games and some cut and paste activity. Below are the links for the games and photos showing hte children busy in action.

Symmetry Game
Symmetry or Not?

Hundreds, Tens and Units

Below is a link from where you can print different number cards which help you understand better Hundreds Tens and Units. I'm also posting the link to a game where you are asked to make 3-digit numbers using your knowledge of hundreds, tens and units (click on the button showing HTU)

Hundreds Tens Units printable cards
Making HTU

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sport Activities

One fine day we had an unusual PE lesson. Children were grouped and were asked to think of games with the different equipment they find in a particular station. They came with really good ideas. Here is a Photostory of our day.

Our visit to EMBED 2012

This Photostory is a collection of the activities that some of my students experienced during our visit to the EMBED exhibition.