Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Road Safety

Recently we had a talk from the Health & Safety team about staying safe on the road. Children participated actively in the discussion and gave insightful tips on the topic. As a follow up we drew a poster illustrating ways and means of how to stay safe on the road. Here is some of our work.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012


This week we are covering doubles. We said that doubling is:
  • repeated addition (adding the same number twice)
  • multplying by 2
  • all doubles are even numbers

double 5 = 10

double 6 = 12

Practice doubles by playing this game
Ladybird doubles


Prepositions are words which tells us about direction and/or position.
Here are some of the prepositions which we have tackled in class:



Here is the link for the prepositions game we did in class:

And now time for some extra work :-)) These are 2 links for handouts which you can print out and work. I'll be more than happy to correct them for you.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Chanel!!!

Best wishes to Chanel who turns 8 today!!!

Chanel with her
'Number 8' cake!

Digital time - quarter past and quarter to

In digital time quarter past ends in :15.

In digital time quarter to ends in :45,but remeber it has not reached the hour yet!!!! So when we say quarter to 12 and write it in digital time we have to write 11 instaed of 12. So it becomes 11:45

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Time quarter past and quarter to

Quarter past time has the big hand on the 3 and the small hand on the hour.

Quarter past 2

Quarter to time has the big hand on the 9 and the small hand going on the hour.

Quarter to 12

Happy Birthday Phoebe

Happy birthday to Phoebe who turns 8 :-)

Phoebe cutting her
 Hannah Montana cake.

Monday, January 16, 2012

X'nixtieq insir la nikber - għalliem

Jien irrid naħdem ta' għalliem. Jien irrid nistudja erba' snin l-universita'.Naħdem sas-sagħtejn u nofs mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa. Jien nagħti x-xogħol u nispjega lit-tfal. Ħaġa pożittiva f'dan ix-xogħol hu li fis-Sajf ma naħdimx u xi ħaġa negattiva hi li jkollok ħafna pitazzi x'tikkoreġi. Nagħżel dan ix-xogħol għax nieħu pjaċir naħdem mat-tfal. Jekk ma nagħżilx dan ix-xogħol nixtieq insir il-president ta' Malta.

Minn: Matthias Paul De Donno

X'nixtieq insir la nikber - infermiera

Jien nixtieq insir infermiera. Irrid nistudja għal tlett snin. Xogħoli jkun matul il-jum jew bil-lejl u naħdem tnax-il siegħa. Jien nieħu jew nagħti d-demm biex nieħu ħsieb il-pazjenti mal-ħbieb tiegħi t-tobba. Nieħu gost nara l-pazjenti jfiequ u joħorġu minn fejn naħdem jien. Jien niddejjaq meta l-pazjenti jtihom attakk tal-qalb u jmutu. Jien nixtieq nagħmel dan ix-xogħol għax huwa x-xogħol ta'ommi. Nispera li jirnexxieli nagħmel dan ix-xogħol meta nikber.

Minn: Phoebe Farrugia

X'nixtieq insir la nikber - kok

Jiena nixtieq insir kok. Irrid immur nistudja l-ITS biex nilħaq kok. Il-kok isajjar ħafna ikel differenti skond x'jordnaw in-nies. Il-kok jilbes uniformi speċjali ta' kulur iswed bil-kappell u l-fardal. Il-kok għandu ħinijiet twal u jaħdemukoll fit-tmiem il-ġimgħa u matul is-sena kollha. Il-kok ikun impenjat is-sena kollha.

Minn: Kristian Muscat

Friday, January 13, 2012

Digital Time - O'clock and Half past

O'clock ends in :00 in digital time.
12 o'clock = 12:00

Half past ends in :30 in digital time.
half past 5 = 5:30

These are some links to practice digital time:

Happy Birthday Jean Paul!

Best wishes to Jean Paul who turns 8. Happy birthday!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Time o'clock and half past

O'clock time has the big hand on the 12 and the small hand on the hour.

12 o'clock

Half past time has the big hand on the 6 and the small hand between two numbers.

half past 5

Below are some links to do more practice :-)

Stop the clock - o'clock time
What's the time Mr.Wolf?
Nash's Adventures
Hickory Dickory Dock o'clock
Hickory Dickory Dock half past

Monday, January 9, 2012

Carroll Diagram

Today we learnt that we can use the Carroll Diagram to sort objects and numbers. Here are some links for further practice.

Sort on hair length
Carroll Diagram
Carroll Diagram - sort the numbers
Sort the shapes